Alchemy and Water

The International Alchemy Conference, claimed to be the largest gathering of alchemists for 500 years, is nearly upon us.  It runs from the 23-25 October in the LA Convention centre.  It’s a little far for this writer but if any members are attending, I’d be very interested to hear what you thought of it and would love to get a small review posted in the News (link on the left) or the Forums.


One of the keynote speakers is Dr Masaru Emoto, whose work with frozen water crystals has been featured in the movie “What the Bleep!” and who worked with Dean Radin on a triple-blind experiment that produced strong evidence for the ability of thought/intention to affect material reality ( ).


I mention this because I had previously and indepedently come across the idea of “altered/aesthetically beautiful” water as I followed another thread relating to the Icon Trail.  This was the work of Sepp Huber who has created devices which will act on the water, resulting, it is claimed, in a better quality solution akin to the intention-affected water observed by Dr Emoto.  Mr Huber is a genuine guy who is clearly passionate about his work and has the same intense energy that seems to characterise so many pioneering inventors.  His website ( ) has got to be one of the least sales-y I’ve come across and yet is definitely worth a look.  Anything that can possibly reverse some of the harmful effects of modern living has to be valuable.

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