The Green Stone Fund Unfortunately, this situation means that these precious artefacts are now in danger of being lost to a private collector and being taken out of the questing community. A consortium comprising of some of the biggest names in psychic questing led by Andrew Collins, and supported by Graham Phillips, has been assembled and their resources pooled. *You will not become part of the bidding consortium. Nor will you receive any entitlement or claim to the artefacts, their location or their availability.* Just to make that absolutely clear, donating will not confer any ownership, of any kind, upon the donor. This might sound harsh but it’s the truth and when you think about it anything else would be a logistical nightmare. HOWEVER, what anyone who donates £50, or more if they wish, *will* be entitled to (apart from good karma and the satisfaction of seeing the artefacts retained within the Questing community) is the chance to attend a special one-off, all-day event in the vicinity of the Swan’s Neck in Worcestershire where Andrew Collins and special guests associated with the Green Stone/Meonia story will host a series of talks and meditations on the Green Stone. As part of this, all attendees will get the opportunity to have a one-on-one session with the artefacts. As you can imagine this in itself is a unique and exciting opportunity but it will only be possible if everyone contributes and the Questing Consortium regains ownership of the items. So please, if you can afford £50 click on the PayPal button on the top left of the screen. Please note that when you donate the money via PayPal *it will be held in a pending status*. Only in the event of a successful bid will I actually accept the payment. Should the bid fail then I simply refuse the payment and it will automatically be returned to you. Unfortunately if I accept the payment from a Credit/Debit Card, PayPal strips off a 3.4% fee (unless anyone can find a way around this) so if you can make your payment at least £51.70 to cover this credit card fee it would be much appreciated. Assuming that the bid is successful we will need a way to contact you so please make sure to add your name and either an email address or telephone number in the comments field of the PayPal form (unless of course you wish to remain entirely anonymous which will of course be respected). Anyone who has trouble using PayPal but still wishes to contribute, please use the Feedback form or send me an email to . Heartfelt thanks for your Support, Questing Consortium
It goes without saying that failing to secure these items, which form the foundation point of the modern revival in psychic questing, will be disastrous for everyone, since they will be lost to the subject forever. It is up to you to get behind Andrew and those who originally found these items to make this a success story that will become a part of history.
Author Archives: webmaster
Journal Software Review
One of the things that comes out strongly when talking to any veteran quester is the need to keep a questing journal. Writing down intuitions, visions, dreams, ideas – even a basic summary of the day’s activities – appears to have two concrete results. Firstly it tells the mind that you are taking its promptings seriously and the mind typically responds by throwing out more and better. Secondly it provides a comprehensive record of your questing material which can be consulted and cross-referenced. Which brings us to journal software. Continue reading
Andrew Collins – Psychic Questing Interview
Book Review: The Holy Grail – The History of a Legend
I’ve been commuting to Olympia for most of this week and with the arduous and intricate sequence of trains that I’ve been obliged to take to get there (for example I can get from Haslemere to Clapham Junction directly very early in the morning but not thereafter – and I can’t get directly from Clapham Junction to Haslemere at all) I have finally had the chance to read Richard Barber’s treatment of the Grail legend, “The Holy Grail: The History of a Legend”. Continue reading
Review: Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell
This is a review of Susanna Clarke’s novel Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell, originally posted by me on the Crooked Timber ( website.
I?ve just finished Susanna Clarke?s Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell and can?t recommend it highly enough.
Joa Bolendas – The Grail Legend
A messenger appeared in my vision. He spoke:
In the tenth century
a saint saw in a vision that went back in time:
Christ on the cross – Christ’s suffering – Christ’s death –
how Christ was pierced in the side,
and how cloth was laid on his wounds.
When Christ was being taken from the cross,
a man was to be seen.
He was Joseph of Arimathea.
He, Joseph, took a cup of blood ,
from under the cloth near Christ’s wounded side.
He held the cup in his hand, and the cup radiated a strong light. Continue reading