Monthly Archives: October 2008

Major Website Re-vamp Planned has been running now for over four years and although specific pieces of functionality have been added (or, more rarely, removed), the overall structure and design hasn’t changed at all since day one.

To rectify this I am planning a major site revamp between now and the New Year. I have some fairly clear ideas about the design and structure of the new site (as well as some pretty exciting new content…but more on that another time) but I’m very eager to hear what you, the actual users of the site, enjoy, find frustrating, want to see more of, want to see less of…. I’m soliciting opinion on all aspects of the site – design, structure, content – even technical aspects for those techies amongst you.

It would help enormously if you posted your comments – the good, the bad, the ugly all gratefully accepted – in reply to this forum thread – that I’ve set up for the purpose of gathering feedback.

Many thanks for your support so far and hopefully with your assistance I can take the site to the next level.


Bloodsport for All!

A few threads have recently woven together into a little knot surrounding the use of ancient megalithic sites that I feel is worth highlighting. As mentioned in my review of the Psychic Questing weekender (below), the venue this year was Avebury and one of the visualisation exercises we performed was to float back in time and see how whether we could catch a glimpse of the past at this site.

I had rather an odd image come to mind that was of warriors with swords hacking down in what I can only describe as “in an industrial rhythm”. Two groups of men lining up and striking something (unseen) in between with every second man moving in synch (and hence half a turn out of sync with the people on each side of them) – giving a piston-like precision to the strokes.

In fairness I can claim no originality as Andrew Collins had previously been vocal about the possibility of these sites as a focus for death cults or funerary rites so the suggestion had already been planted. Still the image was a striking one and it lasted with me long after the weekend had ended.

[Click on the "Read More" link below to continue.] Continue reading


Review: Psychic Questing Weekender

MorphianIt’s been just over two weeks now since I returned from Andrew Collins’ Psychic Questing Weekender (PQW08) and my brain still feels as if someone buzz-sawed off the top of my head, reached inside and polished up my brain until it squeaked.

I had previously attended a number of QuestCons, starting in 2000, and while I had initially enjoyed the big set-piece lectures from high-profile authors, I began turning more and more to what were then classified as the “fringe lectures”. With PQW08, everything else has been jettisoned and the “fringe” is now centre stage. [Click on the "Read More..." link to continue] Continue reading

Bega and The Sacred Ring: Blogged!

"Bega and The Sacred Ring" is a classic Psychic Questing text which has, unfortunately, been out of print for many years. I’m glad to report that its author, Alex Langstone, is now serialising the entire book on his Psychic Questing website – Esoteric Explorer. It’s been running for a little while now so the Introduction, Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 are currently online.

I also wholehearedly recommend subscribing to Alex’s Spirit of Albion newsletter so that you will know when the following upcoming items appear:

  • From the archives of ASH Magazine, an interview with Andrew Collins (Black Alchemist era)
  • Details of the long awaited publication of brand new psychic questing book Spirit Chaser by Alex Langstone
  • Royston Cave Codex of the Templars decoded

    Hello all at PQ! For those who accept the Knights Templar as guardians of a great secret, then allow Dan Green to reveal the story recorded and cut into chalk in the walls of Royston cave, Hertfordshire, veiled in the ancient code now slowly becoming popularised as the ‘rabbit language’. His explanation can be found at; alternatively at;

    TEMPLE BRUER, Tresor cache of the Knights Templar

    Dan Green visits the remains of the Temple Bruer Preceptory, Lincolnshire, to show connexions with Rennes-le-chateau. Seems like somebody got there before him, as somebody has expertly removed two stone slabs from a wall to reveal a sealed cubby hole……wonder if they found anything? View the first ever Temple Bruer Youtube vid at;