Author Archives: Simon

Andrew Collins on Dreamland and Coast to Coast AM

To tie in with the release of "The Cygnus Mystery" in the US, Andrew is appearing on a number of internet radio shows.

His next appearance is on Whitley Strieber’s Dreamland on Saturday 12th May. Once the show has been broadcast you should be able to get a podcast here: Do note that they only keep the last 4 weeks shows online so you’ll need to download prior to the 9th June (approximately).

Andrew also appeared on George Noory’s show last Monday to discuss the possible impact of the mysterious rays coming from Cygnus on the evolution of the human race. Andrew covered such topics as the Nephilim, DNA and the latest scientific discoveries regarding Cygnus.

The podcast from the show is hidden down a few levels but you should be able to get it directly from here:


Gwyn – New Glastonbury Book by Yuri Leitch

‘GWYN – Ancient god of Glastonbury and key to the Glastonbury Zodiac’ is the title of the important new book by researcher, quester and contributor to these forums, Yuri Leitch.

In the book Yuri traces the appearance, rise and fall of Gwyn through the ages taking in evidence from the historical, mythical and archaeological record.

The book is available in a limited, signed and numbered edition from Temple Publications at their site here:

Not content with writing his debut book, the prolific Yuri has also contributed an article on the Somerset Parallelogram to Issue No. 10 of The Temple booklet.

Congratulations, Yuri, and best of luck with the new book.

Black Alchemist Sighted on

As many of you will know from the forum posts, the Black Alchemist has launched his own microsite on

Featuring photos of Black Alchemist artefacts, background articles and FAQs the site also contains details of the new "remastered" version of the classic psychic questing book which Andrew Collins plans to release on the 16 October 2007 (to coincide with the 20th anniversary of the Great Storm.

The main site URL is but the RSS feed link is also probably worth saving so that you will automatically be notified of any updates –

All in all a thoroughly entertaining site and a very clever way to publicise an upcoming book.

New Website – Spectral Light

I’ve just been notified by Paolo Sammut of the Spectral Light website which he and Karen Wosley have been busy putting together. It focusses on the use of magic in both questing and paranormal investigation and already contains much of interest and which has the potential to develop further into an essential questing resource.

The website is here: and I’ll put a link to it in the Links section for future reference as well.

Thanks, Paolo!

Elen of the Ways Workshop with Caroline Wise

Here’s one for your diaries: Caroline Wise who, as a Priestess of the Goddess, has worked regularly with Isis, Sekhmet, Elen and Bride in London for eighteen years is holding a one day "workshop" revolving around Elen. The day will be experiential with illustarted talks, visualisation exercises and divination, exploring through this representative of the spirit of the land and the paths between landscape, myth and mind.

The event will be held at Treadwellls Bookshop in Covent Garden, London on Sunday 6th May 2007.

Caroline will also be running another two events one of which will be an Earth Mysteries Moot on St Michael’s Day in central London.

More details to follow…

Secondhand Psychic Questing Books

Andrew Collins is obviously clearing out his house in preparation for the new year. He’s putting up for sale a large portion of his own library consisting of essential Earth Mysteries, Archaeology, Ancient History, Folklore and Mysticism reference books (many marked with Andrew’s own research notes).

The whole lot can be viewed on Richard Ward’s ManMythMagic site here:

On Andrew’s own site, he’s dropped the price on his psychic questing backcatalogue by 20%. I’m sure I was beaten for some of those old Earthquest news newsletters on eBay a couple of years ago at prices much higher than listed on Andrew’s website – so this looks a real bargain.

Again the full list can be found here:

Greg Little Articles

The always engaging Greg Little has had a couple of articles published which tie in with Andrew Collins’ recently-released The Cygnus Mystery.

The first, entitled "Has Andrew Collins Found the Entrance to the Hall of Records at Giza?" appears in Alternate Perceptions Magazine #106, while the second, "Have We Been Duped by the Supposed Correspondence Between Orion’s Belt and the Three Pyramids of Giza?", features in the subsequent edition of the same magazine.

Cara Louise Books

Finally, after months of deleting robot-submitted porn links, I have an unsolicited link that looks genuinely interesting. Many thanks to Cara Lousie for sending details of her fascinating website featuring books for children whose stories include elements of Psychic Questing (amongst other esoteric themes).

The website link is:

Click on the "Read More…" link to find out more details of Cara Louise’s site or access it via the "Web Links" section of this site.

If anyone has read any of the books it would be great to get a review posted. Continue reading

More from the Bloodline Folk

Another update from the folk at Bloodline Productions. When I got the first link I visited their site and had neither technical issues nor requests to part with money so I’m not sure what they’re referring to below. Maybe there was a section of the site that I didn’t notice sitting behind a paywall. Anyway, perhaps another opportunity to check out the movie clips. What I saw looked 80% familiar and 20% fascinating (the recent finds in France – near Rennes-Le- Chateau?).

Here’s the full email:

"We thank those of you who have been to our site to view the clips from the film and apologize for any technical problems you may have had. We decided to remedy the situation by providing free access. That should alleviate any problems with viewing.

Please visit us at to see clips from *BLOODLINE*, now available for viewing at no cost. We do hope you enjoy them.

Thank you for your continuing interest. It is most appreciated.

Best wishes,

Bloodline Producers "

Bloodline Pt.2

The email says it all:

"Hi Everyone,

Just a quick follow-up email to say that there is an update on our news page. We have now revealed a photo with all of the contents of the wooden chest, which includes the glass vial, the ointment jar and a small conical cup.

There is also more detail on the analysis carried out at the British Museum, which has dated both objects from around the end of the 1st century BC to the 1st century AD—the time of Jesus and Mary Magdalene.

We have been told that these could be the actual objects used at their wedding. We’re tremendously excited about the find and will let you know more as our investigation continues.

Don’t forget to visit the CLIPS page on the site. After a few technical glitches in the first few days, everything now seems to be working well and your response has been fantastic.

Best Wishes,

The Producers"