Author Archives: Simon

Free Gnostic Podcasts

BC Recordings, in association with The Gnosis Archive, have made a number of Stephan Hoeller’s lectures available for free download here –

These include meditations on such topical issues as The Gospel of Judas and his take on Da Vinci Code. He is an engaging speaker and these short lectures are well worthwhile if you have any interest in the Gnostic viewpoint. Indeed his talk on The Da Vinci Code serves as an excellent and often hilarious introduction to The Priory of Sion and all the subsequent works that owe a debt to these pranksters. However, while Dr Hoeller holds these up for ridicule, I couldn’t help thinking that the first people to suggest that Jesus survived the crucifixion were the Gnostics themselves.

Hermetic Systems Fractal Time Software

During the course of my research into Novelty Theory (for the relevance of this keep reading!), I came across mention of a software program called "Fractal Time" written by Peter Meyer of Hermetic Systems. This allows you to graph the level of Novelty through any particular date range. Peter has kindly made this software publicly available again on Hermetic Systems’ website and, if you are interested in Terence McKenna or the Theory of Novelty, it is an essential resource. I’ve added a link to Hermetic Systems’ website in the Links section as well. As an aside, Peter has also produced some software for handling Mayan Calendrics too. Continue reading

Bega Auction in Support of Green Stone Fund

To support the Green Stone Fund, Alex Langstone has very generously decided to auction one of his last 3 personal copies of Bega and the Sacred Ring (signed) on eBay. All proceeds will be donated to The Green Stone Fund. The auction will start tonight at 8pm and will end at 8pm on Sunday evening (5 day auction). The winning bidder will also get a free signed advance copy of Spirit Chaser (when available later this year).

See Alex’s eBay shop for details:

Petition 2 – Save Tara

Another worthy appeal has hit my inbox, this one very close to home (literally!).

Click on the link below to add your voice to the outcry against such an obvious act of madness (not that the Irish government will take any notice).

I passed right through the site over Christmas (my brother lives about a mile away) and they are uncovering some amazing things every day in a desperate attempt to salvage some of the heritage before the machines buldoze everything.

The campaign home site is here: but don’t give them any money – we need it for the Green Stone Fund!

Unique Questing Artefacts for Sale

Following the death of Marion Sunderland (see news item below), several of the original Questing artefacts have been put up for sale in what must rank as one of the most significant opportunities of recent times. The artefacts include The Green Stone, The Eye of Fire and The Meonia Casket. Please see the "Questing Marketplace" Forum ( for more details.