Author Archives: etidorpha

Royston Cave Codex of the Templars decoded

Hello all at PQ! For those who accept the Knights Templar as guardians of a great secret, then allow Dan Green to reveal the story recorded and cut into chalk in the walls of Royston cave, Hertfordshire, veiled in the ancient code now slowly becoming popularised as the ‘rabbit language’. His explanation can be found at; alternatively at;

TEMPLE BRUER, Tresor cache of the Knights Templar

Dan Green visits the remains of the Temple Bruer Preceptory, Lincolnshire, to show connexions with Rennes-le-chateau. Seems like somebody got there before him, as somebody has expertly removed two stone slabs from a wall to reveal a sealed cubby hole……wonder if they found anything? View the first ever Temple Bruer Youtube vid at;

Lincoln Cathedral /Holy Graal – latest evidence

Hi there yet again! The lastest installment of relentless author Dan Green’s efforts to prove that the Grail – most probably the secret documents of Mary Magdalene – remain at a pin-pointed location within the precincts of the Gothic Cathedral at Lincoln can be found at: Dan, we learn, this very week is in the process of having the Cathedral aligned and orientated by maths,geometry and astronomy to endevour to prove a scientific connexion with the dogstar Sirius, which would go some way to further corroborating his work, a mild compensation for the Cathedral reneging on their original decision to allow a GPR scan at the site.

Lincoln – the New Jerusalem ?

Close followers of developments concerning ‘The Lincoln Cathedral Da Vinci Code’ may be interested in Lincoln now staking a claim for being the New Jerusalem. For further details view: . Developments are coming thick and fast! This recent update will pave the way for what will be next… revealing the true location – in Lincolnshire – of Douzet’s famous model map maquette.

Best, Dan Green (Callum Jensen)

The Templars’ head and the Templecombe panel painting revealed

Hello there! You’ve featured my work in the past – The Lincoln Cathedral Da Vinci Code (an actual Code at the Gothic Cathedral) and how it amalgamates with the parchments and mystery of Rennes-le-Chateau…I’d like now if you could share my latest findings which reveals the head the Knights Templar held secret, and the puzzling Panel painting at Templecombe, Somerset, which held the clue. Please visit the feature at:

[Webmaster’s note – I love the punchline to this story – you’ll have to read the article above to find out what I mean.  Also for a recap of all "Dan Green’s" investigations to date you should definitely check out the "17 Questions with Dan Green" article on Andy Gough’s website – ]