Andrew Collins has released details of two significant Psychic Questing events on his website: The Green Stone Tour 2005 and QuestCon05.
Both these events, being held on consecutive weekends at the end of October/start of November, are still some way off. However, with the current resurgence of interest in Psychic Questing you would probably be advised to check these out sooner rather than later. Information on the Green Stone Tour, which sees Andrew Collins and Graham Phillips retrace the steps of their seminal adventure, is available here. Remember that this is the quest which provided the material for many of the early questing books and here you have the opportunity to see the locations described in them brought to life by the people who were witnesses to the events at the time. The following week sees this year’s QuestCon and though still some way off Andrew has already prepared his line up for the day and you can get the full details by visting this link.